Student of the Year

The Student of the Year Committee arranges for the recognition of students from the 12 New London public, private and parochial schools at a regular Rotary meeting. This involves working with each school to schedule the attendance of the student, teacher,  principal and family members. The committee also arranges for gifts and two copies of a certificate of recognition for the individual school’s Rotary Student of the Year.
Eric J Garofano
New London


There are no speakers at this time.

The Rotary Club of New London - Lunch

Rotary Club of New London meets weekly for fellowship, lunch, and an informative and interesting presentation from a guest speaker.

Day/Time: Thursdays @ 12:15 PM
Location:   Lighthouse Inn

6 West Guthrie Place

New London, CT 06320

Map It:



Rotary Club of New London
P.O. Box 654
New London, CT 06320

[email protected]

New London Rotary Foundation EIN # 06-1395784

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