Attend a meeting

Join us on a Thursday convenient to you and experience the fun and friendship of the Rotary Club of New London!

Contact our president, [email protected]

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Fill up an application and join community leaders. Become a member of the Rotary Club of New London.

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“Service Above Self”

Rotary is a service organization of business and community leaders united worldwide.  Rotarians are making a positive impact in our local and global communities.

The Rotary Club of New London

Benefiting the community and our world through action, integrity, service, and fellowship.

The Rotary Club of New London is the oldest, most active and well-known service organization in the community. We are a leadership organization working together to make a difference. Our members include local business, nonprofit, professional and civic leaders. We form lasting friendships through our shared Rotary experiences including weekly meetings with interesting speakers, committee meetings and projects, social events and group service projects within our community and internationally.

Diversity & Inclusion

Having a diverse and inclusive Rotary Club means we value and welcome individuals of all ages, cultures, ethnicities, and races to our Club. We invite younger people, women, and minorities who support Rotary’s values, ideals, and mission to join our members in service to our community, and we strive to give all members equal opportunities to serve as leaders within our Club.

El Club Rotario de New London, CT

Beneficiando a la comunidad y al mundo a través de la acción, la integridad, el servicio y la fraternidad.

El Club Rotario de New London es la organización de servicio más antigua, activa y conocida de la comunidad. Somos una organización de servicio y liderazgo que trabaja para marcar la diferencia. Nuestros miembros incluyen líderes locales de negocios, organizaciones sin fines de lucro, profesionales, educadores y cívicos. Formamos amistades duraderas a través de nuestras experiencias compartidas en Rotary, que incluyen reuniones semanales con ponentes interesantes, reuniones y proyectos de comités, eventos sociales y proyectos de servicio grupales dentro de nuestra comunidad e internacionales.

Diversidad e Inclusión

Tener un Club Rotario diverso e inclusivo significa que valoramos y damos la bienvenida a individuos de todas las edades, culturas, etnias y razas a nuestro Club. Invitamos a personas jóvenes, mujeres y minorías que apoyen los valores, ideales y misión de Rotary a unirse a nuestros miembros en el servicio a nuestra comunidad, y nos esforzamos por ofrecer a todos los miembros oportunidades iguales para servir como líderes dentro de nuestro Club.

Quedan invitados a juntarse con nosotros los jueves, 12:15 a 1:30, en el Lighthouse Inn, NL.  

Service is the life blood of our Club

It all happens through our committees

  • Camp Rotary
  • Children Holiday Book Drive
  • New London Community Meals Center
  • Dictionary Book Project
  • Senior Dinner
  • Student of the Year
  • Thanksgiving Turkey Fund Drive
  • Rotary Centennial Playground at Toby May
  • Outstanding Teacher of the Year
  • Unsung Hero
  • The Race: Harvard-Yale Regatta
  • Service to Seniors

International Project Supported by New London Rotary

The club is raising funds for the “My Librarian is a Camel” project in Pakistan, water filters and individual toilets for slums in India, water pumps for Nicaragua, solar flashlights for Puerto Rico and also supporting the Chikumbuso project that helps school children in Lusaka, Zambia. The club also has provided funds for solar lighting for an emergency room in Ghana and a computer lab for high school students in Monrovia, Liberia.  

In the 2022 – 2023 Rotary year, New London Rotary

reached out globally to support needy communities

Monrovia, Liberia – $4,555 to provide 10 computer labs for students. Funds from New London Rotary Foundation, Rotary of the Stoningtons and the Rotary District.

Ethiopia – $500 to assist with a water, sanitation and agroforestry project.

Haiti – $1,000 to the Norwich, CT-based Haitian Health Foundation to support anti-poverty, water and healthcare programs.

Turkey and Syria – $1,000 to assist with earthquake relief.


Tree planting, peace pole dedication

Main article image for story titled 'Tree planting, peace pole dedication '

New London Rotary Plans Peace Initiative Events

Main article image for story titled 'New London Rotary Plans Peace Initiative Events'

In conjunction with the district's peace initiative, the New London Rotary Club has several events planned for winter and spring.

* Feb. 26 - Haitian dinner and cultural event, fundraiser for the Haitian Health Foundation. Favorites Bistro, Bank Street, New London, 6 p.m., Haitian food, drink, art, dancing and singing. Tickets are $75. Pay at the door. RSVP needed! [email protected]

* March 4 - Germany, US and CT - Partners for Peace luncheon, noon, Lighthouse Inn, New London. Guest speaker Dr. Sonja Kreibich, consul general. Tickets via Eventbrite.

* April 25 - Peace in Nature, tree planting/Arbor Day event - Lighthouse Inn grounds, New London. In collaboration with New London Trees.

* May 3 to 31 - Hygienic Art Show, poetry slam, peace film, peace pole unveiling - in collaboration with Hygienic, Bank Street, New London and Rotarian and artist Marvin Espy.


Our weekly newsletter The Anchor

Upcoming Speakers and Programs

March 20

Jennifer Keatley, 

Executive Director United Cerebral Palsy 

March 27

Violet Johnson,

Executive Director New London Landmarks

April 3

MaryLou Gannotti

Alzheimer’s Association